Nevada Official USA Military Records Search

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Nevada Vital Records

Nevada birth, Nevada marriage and Nevada divorce records

Vital Records may be obtained from the following organization:

Nevada State Health Division
Vital Statistics
505 East King Street #102
Carson City, NV 89710

Online versions of vital records order forms as well as more information are available at the following URLs:

Other Records : Nevada

The Nevada Department of Public Health may be contacted by phone at 334-206-5418


There are no limits & restrictions on searching of Nevada Military Records. Anyone can submit the proper form and fee to obtain an Nevada military Record, where every name is indexed properly.

Nevada Military Records are fully open to the public and are not at all confidential. These records are freshly updated & the vast database of Nevada Military Records contains over million names, from where you can search for one name, or two names that are linked.

Our humble effort was not to change the spelling of the original text, and to find all possible records for the time period covered. However, many county records were destroyed by fire, floods, neglect, carelessness and other natural calamities. This is not in our hand & beyond anybodies.

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